• Vision King’s Lynn

Vision King’s Lynn

Baker Lane cycle hub

Making it easy to choose active and clean travel in King’s Lynn

We want to make it easy for people to choose healthier, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective ways to travel in and around King’s Lynn town centre.


And, we know from feedback that you have given us through Vision King’s Lynn consultation that some of you would like to see improvements around sustainable travel, including access to secure cycle storage.

“Extra cycle parking, bike access to shops and provide cycle parking.”

“The main improvement around cycle storage that respondents would like to see is cycle storage in King’s Lynn town centre (86.1%).”

“Provide cycle parking.”

Through the Town Deal and Community Renewal Fund investment, we now have a great opportunity to provide facilities that support active and clean travel in King’s Lynn town centre.

What’s happening now: pilot cycle hub

A pilot cycle hub is going to be installed on Baker Lane. The pilot hub will be a temporary facility that will offer secure cycle parking along this key town centre route. In the hub, there will be a cycle hangar, repair stand, and space for up to 40 bikes.

The reason why a temporary, pilot hub is being set up is that we will be able to assess how people use it and what people need from a hub like this. This pilot will then shape the development of a permanent travel hub.

The pilot hub is being funded through the Community Renewal Fund and is being led by Norfolk County Council. It wil be in place until the permanent travel hub opens.

What’s happening now: permanent travel hub

The temporary pilot cycle hub will help to shape the development of a permanent travel hub that will be based on the same site on Baker Lane. The permanent travel hub, which is part of the King’s Lynn Town Deal active and clean connectivity programme, will include bike racks, e-bike charging, lockers, scooter racks, repair stand, and CCTV.

Planning and detailed design will be taking place in 2023 with the permanent travel hub set to open in 2024.

The permanent travel hub will build on the pilot cycle hub and will provide a long-term solution to support active and clean travel in King’s Lynn town centre.

While the designs are still to be finalised, here are some ideas of what the permanent travel hub could look like.

Get involved

You can get involved by using the pilot cycle hub when it opens, and, you can also look at the suggested designs for the permanent travel hub which you will be able to see in the pilot hub.

And, we’d really like to have your thoughts and ideas: what do you think about the pilot cycle hub and the plans for the permanent travel hub? What would you like to see in the permanent hub?

Please share any thoughts or ideas with us here.