Businesspeople in King’s Lynn with a passion for the town and its future prosperity are being sought to join the King’s Lynn Town Deal Board.
The King’s Lynn Town Deal Board was established to develop a Town Investment Plan in 2020. The board brings together a diverse range of individuals representing the community, businesses, and statutory agencies such as local authorities. Their collaborative approach and expertise provide stability to secure investment for the long-term vision for the town. A town in which people feel engaged in town developments and have both the skills and opportunities to flourish, enabling our businesses and communities to thrive.
The board is made up of representatives from all tiers of local authority, Members of Parliament, local businesses, the Local Enterprise Partnership, Business Improvement District, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the College of West Anglia.
The Town Investment Plan has been published and the board has secured £25m through a ‘Town Deal’ with government, and supported other ‘Levelling Up’ funding and investment from partners.
The board is now looking for one or two additional members from the local business community to get involved with shaping the economic regeneration of the town.
Graham Purkins, Chief Technical Officer of Merxin and Chair of the King’s Lynn Town Deal Board, said:
“We are looking for one or two enthusiastic and motivated individuals who are really passionate about the town and want to get involved in securing its long-term, economic future. These are unremunerated positions that offer very real opportunities to make a significant difference in our town.
“Qualities we’ll be looking for include being open-minded and collegiate with an entrepreneurial spirit. Ideally potential board members would be able to commit to 12 face-to-face meetings each year, plus meeting preparation and other work. They would bring their business acumen with them along with a range of other skills which might include, experience working in the private sector, strategic thinking, insight into tourism and/or creatives industries, marketing skills, or understanding ‘clean’ growth.”
More information about the King’s Lynn Town Deal Board, the Town Investment Plan and this opportunity is available on the website, along with a recruitment pack setting out roles, responsibilities, and a person specification.
Visit or contact the team by emailing For an informal discussion call Jemma on 07920232999.
The closing date for applications is 9 July with interviews taking place mid July.